Our Summer Schedule · California: June 23 – July 25 (date tentative) · Taiwan: July 7 - 15 · Kentucky: July 28 – August 17 (dates tentative) www.ellisexpress.blogspot.com www.thesbspodcast.com www.sbsinternational.org Phone: (406) 844-2045 Address: 18 Mission Lane Lakeside, Montana 59922 Email: skellis6@gmail.com Living Waters Christian Church: Put check directly in the offering and make note on check “for Sean and Katie Ellis” All Others: Send check to our address above, but make check out to YWAM Montana; do not put our name on the check, but include a piece of paper that says “for Sean and Katie Ellis” | The Ellis family is headed to Taiwan! Most of you have heard by now that God has given us a new direction in missions, and that we will be moving to Taiwan this January of 2010. Our role there will be to help oversee, train, teach, and multiply Bible study programs throughout Asia. The School of Biblical Studies is exploding in many areas of Asia, as the need for sound Biblical training grows with the new churches planted and thousands of new believers each day. Just this fall, we will be starting new schools in Thailand and Cambodia! Taiwan is situated in a perfect location to be able to help resource these new schools, as well as serve as a launching pad for many new schools to come. We will be learning Chinese, and also trying to serve the growth of the Biblical Studies school and ministries there in Taiwan. Our Urgent Prayer Request With our moving to Taiwan, we feel it is very important to come to both California and Kentucky this summer. This will give us an opportunity to share personally with all of you what the ministry will look like in Taiwan and throughout Asia. Also, we will not be able to travel back home as often once we are based in Asia, and want to take advantage of the low cost currently for coming to see you, our friends and family. At this point, we are still short over $2,000 needed to do our summer support raising trip. | In addition to these travels within the United States, God has opened an opportunity for Katie and I to go to Taiwan in July and begin to set up our move there. I will be teaching Revelation in the School of Biblical Studies, and Katie and I will have the opportunity to meet with leadership, see what schooling is like there for the children, and scout out places for us to live. This will be Katie’s first trip there, and actually is her first time in Asia! We still need $300 to cover the rest of Katie’s airfare, and some small finances for food and transportation while there. We have already seen God bring in over $1,000 for our travels, and now need to see the rest come in so we can make plans to meet with all of you, book reservations, and set up ministry. Would you pray for this need for us? If God leads you, you can send in financial help with the instructions on the side of this email. Thank you so much for standing with us and God bless you! |