Monday, September 29, 2008

Teaching in Turner Valley
The beautiful picture you see is sunset at the Turner Valley, Canada Youth With A Mission campus. This campus was pioneered by staff from the YWAM Montana campus where we serve now. It has a focus on short term missions as well as Biblical Studies. I had the pleasure of coming up here 2 years ago to teach in their Biblical Studies program, and now I am teaching one week for the Discipleship Training School. This satellite campus is smaller than ours, and has 8 students in their DTS and 9 students in their SBS program. Their focus as a campus overseas is the Shan people group in Myanmar (Burma). As you know from reading recent news articles, Myanmar is still ruled by a brutal, military junta. Even the recent cyclone which devastated the nation and killed thousands didn't cause the fall of this government. The Burmese government has been persecuting both minority people groups and Christians, and we have recently started a Bible school inside the country. My student, Daniel, from 3 years ago, just sent me a photo album of his 12 students who recently graduated from the first year! The Shan people have asked our Turner Valley campus to help them set up their own Bible school. Daniel's school is primarily focused on the Karen people, so it would be wonderful to see another people group reached with the Bible.
As I train these students this week, I think about the fact that in a few short weeks, they will go out on their mission trip to Myanmar to the Shan people. I am teaching the foundations of Christianity, so that the students will have this firmly in their hearts, and so they can know what foundational things to teach others on outreach. It never ceases to amaze me how God weaves all these people and places together: a Bible teacher from Kentucky, who lives in Montana, going up to Canada, to train people headed for Myanmar! Did I mention that the 8 students are from 4 different nations including Switzerland, South Korea, Canada, New Zealand, and the US? Go God!

Friday, September 19, 2008

A New Season

I have been working now with the School of Biblical Studies for 13 years. The last time I was doing something other than SBS school, I was only 22 years old, Katie and I had just been married one year, and we had no children! We have been so blessed to work in the program for this many years, having the opportunity to train and work with many sent out to world missions. For this year, I will be stepping out of the classroom full time in order to help Ron and Judy Smith with the SBS International. SBS International now has over 50 schools worldwide throughout Asia, Africa, North and South America, Australia, and the Pacific. The need for Biblical studies is only growing as the Gospel goes out, so we must continue to see new schools pioneered and multiplied. With the experience I have from leading the program for 10 years, God has asked me to put this into practical helps for those schools and pioneering projects. I will be recording lectures into MP3 format, making resource DVD's with SBS manuals and materials, traveling to the pioneering projects and teaching and training, training young pioneers here on our campus to go out and start SBS's, and of course a wide range of different teaching within and outside of SBS to promote Biblical studies. My work this year will also be building up to the SBS Consultation, a global meeting of SBS leaders and staff in Germany in May of 2009. Here we will be praying and seeking God's direction and wisdom for the future of SBS in the mission. This year could be a critical time of tightening our relationships and strategy within the movement.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ellis Express Online

The Ellis Express is online again!
After a long absence from the web, we have the Ellis Express online again! We have revamped the site to include links to MP3 audio Bible teachings from Sean, outreach and family photo albums, and blog articles to keep you updated on what is happening with our missions work. We will be updating this blog once a week, so stop by and see the new articles, photos, and teachings. We are so grateful to have such great friends, family, and supporters, and we want you to know what things are happening in our lives and ministry. The first post we will be doing this week will be letting you know what is happening with the School of Biblical Studies around the world, and how we will be more involved with the international aspect of the ministry this year. In addition, we will be sharing about our outreach opportunities coming up soon. God bless you all, and thank you again for your love, support, and prayers.
Sean, Katie, Sophia, Max, Joseph, and Kai Ellis