In Acts 13, the early church at Antioch gathered around Paul and Barnabas to pray over and commission them out on their first "official" missionary journey. I had the privilege of doing this for our outreach teams just this last Thursday. One of our main goals in the School of Biblical Studies is to take what we learn and go out to the nations, teaching and training believers in developing nations. One of the main tools we use to do that is our Titus Project ministry. Birthed here in 1997 in Montana, the Titus Project takes our SBS graduates on an eight week outreach to help pastors and believers understand how to study the Word of God, as well as assist pioneering SBS works. I was the MC at our meeting the other night, and led our campus as we prayed over three Titus Project teams. One team will be ministering in Nepal, where they will be teaching in a pioneering SBS, doing inductive study seminars in remote villages, and continuing our effort in the Bhutanese refugee camps. The Bhutanese Bible School (pioneered by Titus Project) has undergone many changes since the United States agreed to allow thousands of the Bhutanese to resettle and immigrate to the U.S. The second team will be headed down to Chile, where they will be teaching in the SBS there, and doing teaching seminars for local churches. It is our desire to multiply more Bible schools in South America, and Chile would make an excellent hub for the region. The third team is headed to Mexico and Costa Rica, where they will be working with local churches and YWAM to expand training in Biblical studies. We currently have no Bible schools operating in Central America, so this is quite a strategic trip as well. Please pray for the safety of these teams, as well as the anointing of God in their teaching and training. I will posting updates and pictures as the teams send them, so stay tuned for amazing God stories!

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