Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Need is Great!

Sometimes I get so caught up in the details of running a ministry. I spend hours preparing teachings, creating presentations, managing websites, responding to emails, and all the other daily tasks. The danger is that I can forget WHY I am doing all these things, that they are just a means to an end. That end is creating Christians who not only know the Word for themselves, but are equipped for going out and teaching others how to study and know the Bible. Marysol and DeWet Blomerus run the Titus Project, one of our outreach ministries, in South Africa. They recently finished an outreach to the townships near their base. The area they are ministering is not a safe place, and they were putting their lives at risk to go there at all. Marysol and Dewet interviewed some of the pastors that their outreach team served, and the overwhelming theme from the pastors was "Send more Bible teachers!" They wanted to share this with everyone, so please take a moment and watch their video on You Tube below. It was such a sweet reminder of WHY we labor as a church in missions, and the great need for sending more Bible teachers to Africa (and the whole world!)
You can view the video below or you can see it full size on You Tube by clicking on the link below.
The Need for Bible Teachers is Great
You can also check out more about what is happening in South Africa by going directly

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