The time is really flying by now as we continue to pack and prepare for our big move to Taiwan. We have seen some amazing provision from God as well as encouraging words to keep us moving forward. One supporter recently called and said they felt God wanted them to give $4,000 towards our move! We were blown away when the exact amount of money they gave was the exact amount we needed for our airline tickets. Go God! Then, a few weeks later, a couple called late one Friday evening, and said they were giving us $1,000. On top of their donation, they also had us over for lunch and encouraged us in stepping out in faith and watching God provide, as He had done for their family over many years in missions.
Our Prayer Requests
Even with these amazing gifts that have come in, we still need around $10,000 to help us complete our transition overseas. We will need money for furnishing our apartment there, as we won’t be able to take any furniture and can only ship essentials. Here is a full list of needs we have left:
Shipping: $1,000 ($2,000 already given, praise God!)
Furnishings: $3,000
Mopeds/van: $4,000
School expenses: $2,000
We are also still trying to clear some medical debt we incurred in the last two years. Our insurance costs combined with things our insurance wouldn’t cover added up to $4,000 on our credit cards.
In addition to these financial needs, we would also love prayer for our physical, emotional, and spiritual health during this move. Moving definitely comes with a certain level of stress and strain, and we want to do all of this in the strength and joy of the Lord. Please also pray for our children in this time. Sophia, Max, Joseph, and Kai are each dealing with the change in their own way, and we would like them to feel a peace with God over moving away from friends and leaving what they know behind.
Thank you for all your prayers, support, and encouragement. We couldn’t be in missions without you!
Sean, Katie, Sophia, Max, Joseph, and Kai Ellis
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