Monday, November 15, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Cambodia: Floods and Reincarnation

Cambodia: floods & reincarnation
Trying to put all of my experiences in Cambodia into words is quite a challenge.
I went to Cambodia to teach the book of Romans in the Bible school, but felt like I was the one who had so much to learn during my time there. I had just finished reading an excellent book called “First They Killed My Father”, a first hand account of a woman who was 5 years old when the Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot took over Cambodia. Her horrific tale of suffering can only give us a glimpse into the pain these people have gone through. 1 out of every 4 Cambodians was killed during this time of their history. Despite this, I found the Khmer people to be full of life, often breaking out in smiles and laughter.
One of the things that left a lasting impression on me was a question and answer time that we had with the students and staff of the Bible school. Typically, I field questions on the Bible from “Who was Cain’s wife?” to “What is Revelation about anyway?”. I was not prepared for our discussion that night, which was dominated by the topic of reincarnation. Reincarnation is a central teaching within Buddhism, the major religion of Cambodia. These young, intelligent Christians have to struggle not only with their views on reincarnation, but their families who think that they are crazy for not believing in it. I had never thought through what the Bible has to say about this, and was challenged to have a well thought through response. The whole night showed me again the need for the Bible school in Cambodia, and the struggle for truth that lies ahead of the church there.
The Flood
The last part of the time that I was in Cambodia, there was heavy rainfall. Without proper drainage and sewer systems, things flood quickly in Cambodia. One day, I was coming back from a run early in the morning. While running, I had seen extensive flooding like you see in the picture above. The first floor of the simple homes were mostly underwater. As I came back to the house, the Bible school leader and his family drove up. They had woken up that morning to find the house had flooded while they slept. Their little boy was sleeping in a Pack-n-Play just right on the floor! Not only had God protected him from drowning, but he had slept through it all. When my friend woke up, he tried to save his laptop computer. Reaching for the cord, he began to be electrocuted. He still doesn’t know how he let go, except for a miracle from God. He was shaken up, but was fine later. Unfortunately, much of their furniture and belongings were ruined. All of this reminded me of the price of being in missions, and how fragile life really is. Things we hold onto can be gone overnight, and our very lives are the most precious gift from God.
Project Updates
We listed out some of our financial needs and projects in our last update. Since then, we have had some praise reports.
School Tuition
We had a donation of $500 come in! This leaves us with only $2,500 to go.
Cambodia trip
All the money to cover my trip came in! Airfare, visa, and travel expenses were all covered.
If you would like to give, you can do so in one of three ways:
1. Online: you can go directly to and click on “Donate” in the top right of the page. This is set up through Paypal, and you can give with your credit/debit card or Paypal accounts. This is an easy way to give, but we aren’t able to send a tax receipt for this.
2. Send a check to Youth With A Mission Montana, Attn: Accounting Department, 501 Blacktail Road, Lakeside, MT 59922. Do not write our names on the check, but make them out to YWAM. Include a slip of paper saying it is for us, and they will send you a tax-deductible receipt in the mail.
3. Put your check directly into the offering plate at Living Waters Christian Church in Kentucky.
Thank you for all of your prayers and generous donations! We couldn’t be in missions without you.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The Bible School Hub Begins- Singapore!
Our main goal in moving to Taiwan was to create a resource center, or hub, for all of the Youth With A Mission Bible Schools throughout Asia. We currently have 11 Bible schools with 2 more being added this year. It was wonderful to get going on this vision by traveling to Singapore and begin to build relationship with the staff there. I taught Isaiah in the school which was made up of students from Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, the U.S., England, Fiji, and South Korea. Many of these students are headed to China long term for missions.
Great Opportunities
A wonderful opportunity has come up for me to travel to Cambodia and teach in our new Bible School there. You may remember that one of the leaders of the school, Rady Huch, was my student a few years ago, when I was leading the program in Montana. Rady and his team have asked me if I can come and teach the book of Romans, as well as continue to help with their staff training. This is exactly the kind of ministry that I was praying for with our Asian Resource Hub. The cost is fairly low, and I believe I can do this trip for under $500. If you would like to partner with us in this trip, you can see the donation instructions in the right column. We have a giving option online now through Paypal on this website. If you need a tax deductible receipt, you would need to send the money through Montana or Kentucky, and can see how to do that on our Financial Team page.
Katie has now been studying Chinese full time for over 6 months! With the tones and vocabulary, Chinese has been a challenge, but Katie loves a new adventure. She has made several Chinese friends and has been reaching out to them with her limited language. One of her friends is named Sue, and she has been doing street cleaning for over 20 years! She is 62 now, and Katie talks with her most mornings as she begins her work. Another of her friends is Yamen, a spry 92 year old woman, who was one of the first generation of Christians in Taiwan. Yamen has been a wealth of encouragement for Katie's vision for Christianity in Taiwan.
A great opportunity has also come up for Katie. There is an intensive Chinese training program that we found out about in Taipei. It is broken up into 3 month blocks, and gives the student 15 hours of class per week, with lots of practice in speaking Chinese. The institute has been training people in Chinese for over 30 years. The challenge for us is that they require all the tuition up front, whereas her past lessons could be paid month by month. We don't have that much money upfront, and would need $800 for Katie to enroll. Would you pray about partnering with us in this as well?
Financial Projects Update
$8,000 came in for the kids' school
$3,000 scholarship given by the kids' school
Still need:
$4,000-$8,000 for a van for the family
$3,000 to finish off the kids' school fees for next term
Thank you so much for being co-workers with us in missions, and we greatly appreciate your prayers and encouragement.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
What are we building with our lives?

Hello everyone,
Ni hao ma? That means "howdy" in Chinese. We pray that our Ellis family missions update finds you all doing well.
Recently, we have had the blessing of a visit from Aunt Chelsea from California, one of Katie's sisters. All of us had a wonderful time introducing Chelsea to our new home, Taiwan. From the distinct smell of the chodofu (a local tofu), to the bright lights and people of the night market street, it gave us an opportunity to think through what we love about Taiwan and how it is truly becoming a place we call "home". One of the sights of Taipei that we visited was Taipei 101, the tallest skyscraper in Taiwan, and the tallest in the world from 2004 until 2010. I have attached some pictures of that, as well as some interesting information about the skyscraper itself.
Taipei 101 is a landmark skyscraper located in Taipei, Taiwan. Taipei 101 received the 2004 Emporis Skyscraper Award and was hailed as one of the Seven New Wonders of the World (Newsweek magazine, 2006) and Seven Wonders of Engineering (Discovery Channel, 2005). The tower has served as an icon of modern Taiwan ever since its opening. Taipei 101 comprises 101 floors above ground and 5 floors underground. The name of the tower reflects its floor count. The tower is designed to withstand typhoons and earthquakes. Taipei 101 is designed to withstand the typhoon winds and earthquake tremors common in its area of the Asia-Pacific. Planners aimed for a structure that could withstand gale winds of 60 m/s (197 ft/s, 216 km/h, 134 mph) and the strongest earthquakes likely to occur in a 2,500 year cycle. Skyscrapers must be flexible in strong winds yet remain rigid enough to prevent large sideways movement (lateral drift). These features combine with the solidity of its foundation to make Taipei 101 one of the most stable buildings ever constructed. The foundation is reinforced by 380 piles driven 80 m (262 ft) into the ground, extending as far as 30 m (98 ft) into the bedrock. Each pile is 1.5 m (5 ft) in diameter and can bear a load of 1,000 metric tons (1,100 short tons) - 1,320 metric tons (1,460 short tons). The stability of the design became evident during construction when, on March 31, 2002, a 6.8-magnitude earthquake rocked Taipei. The tremor was strong enough to topple two construction cranes from the 56th floor, then the highest. Five people died in the accident, but an inspection showed no structural damage to the building, and construction soon resumed. Thornton-Tomasetti Engineers along with Evergreen Consulting Engineering designed a 660 metric tons (728 short tons) steel pendulum that serves as a tuned mass damper, at a cost of NT$132 million (US$4 million). Suspended from the 92nd to the 88th floor, the pendulum sways to offset movements in the building caused by strong gusts. Its sphere, the largest damper sphere in the world, consists of 41 circular steel plates, each with a height of 125 mm (4.92 in) being welded together to form a 5.5 m (18 ft) diameter sphere. Another two tuned mass dampers, each weighing 6 metric tons (7 short tons) sit at the tip of the spire. These prevent damage to the structure due to strong wind loads
Taipei 101 was the first building in the world to break the half-kilometer mark in height and the first record-setting skyscraper constructed in the new millennium. The record it claimed for greatest height from ground to pinnacle now rests with the Burj Khalifa in Dubai (UAE): 828 m (2,717 ft). Taipei 101's records for roof height and highest occupied floor briefly passed to the Shanghai World Financial Center in 2009, which in turn yielded these records as well to the Burj. Taipei 101 displaced the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, as the tallest building in the world by 57.2 m (188 ft).
(me again) You can't help but think about the story in Genesis 11 when you are standing next to this building. " Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth." You have to wonder if you aren't looking up at a modern day tower of Babel. Are we still that consumed with "making a name for ourselves"? The irony struck me that the builders of Taipei 101 worked so hard to grab the title of "world's tallest building". For 6 glorious years, they could boast that Taiwan had the undisputed title. Then Dubai decided to enter into the competition, and just like that, the world's tallest building was the Burj Khalifa, not Taipei 101. How much longer until Taipei 101 becomes the 3rd or 4th tallest building? who really knows what the 5th tallest building in the world is? God challenged me to think about what I am trying to build in this life. What do I spend my time, money, and dreams on? Am I building my own Taipei 101 or am I part of building something more lasting? Being a part of building God's kingdom is something that will last. Helping others in this world, serving the poor and needy, and sharing the life changing story of Jesus will build a structure that will be taller than anything ever built (Revelation says the "new city" is into the stratosphere!) Paul talks about this spiritual building in 1 Corinthians 3:14 when he says, "If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward."
Taipei 101 is a great place to visit and marvel at what man can accomplish. Nothing, however, will ever compare to what God is building in our lives.
Praise Reports
* All of the $8,000 tuition we needed for the first semester of the kids' Christian school came in! In just under 2 1/2 weeks!
* We had a great visit with Aunt Chelsea from California.
* Sophia and Max will start their Chinese tutoring next week.
Prayer Requests
* We would love to have a van so that we could get around to places that the bus or metro don't go.
* We need some extra tuition money to pay for the Chinese lessons this summer for Katie and the kids.
* Wisdom on planning out an outreach this fall for our family.
* Super language learning abilities for all of us with Chinese.
* Wisdom for Sean; he has been meeting for over one month with 3 college guys who are interested in Christianity.
Thank you all again for your prayers and support. We miss you all greatly, and want you to know that you are in our prayers and hearts.
Sean, Katie, Sophia, Max, Joseph, and Kai Ellis
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Final 80 for Education Ellis family fundraiser update!
This is the final 80 for Education Ellis family fundraiser update. The reason that this is the final update is that God has provided all of the $8,000 for our kids to go to school while we do missions here in Taiwan! Praise God! We had some more $100 and $200 donations, and then one donor let us know that they are giving us the last $2,000. Wow! We wanted to thank you all for your prayers and generosity. Words can't describe how blessed we are to see everyone join in to help us be here in Taiwan. Our kids are thrilled that they get to go back to the Christian school with their friends, and continue to learn Chinese.
Just one week ago, I was teaching the book of Zechariah. Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, I was actually teaching our Bible School in South Africa through the Internet. Israel was struggling during the time of Zechariah's ministry, as their return to Jerusalem from exile wasn't matching what they expected. They had expected to reestablish Israel's kingship and independence, and see the prosperity of Solomon's kingdom come back. Instead, they were surrounded by enemies, living in the ruins of Jerusalem, and had even stopped rebuilding the temple. Even though God had taken a whole empire down to allow them to return, they still struggled to be grateful because it didn't all happen as they "expected". God began to speak to me about my expectations in what being in Taiwan would be like. Despite the challenges of moving overseas, He has shown me how He wants me to live in a place of gratefulness, and celebrate what He has done. We intend to celebrate big time for what God has just done for us and our kids! There will always be financial challenges as well as "stuff" we think we need and don't have, but we can't miss the "empires" that God is tearing down all around us in order for the eternal Gospel to go forward.
If any of you wanted to give toward the fundraiser but didn't get to, we still have some other projects that we are raising funds for. We are still looking for a used van ($4,000) and need some more tuition towards Chinese lessons this summer for Katie and the kids ($1,200). As always you can give through clicking on "Donate" on this website, mailing a check into YWAM Montana, or placing money into the offering at Living Waters Church.
Check out the beginning of our celebration in the video below.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
6th 80 for Education Ellis family fundraiser update
Many of you have emailed us to see what happened with the fundraiser, since yesterday was our deadline of June 1st for the tuition for our kids here in Taiwan. A little over two weeks ago, we had nothing (zero, zip, nada) toward sending our kids to school in the fall. With all of your generosity and prayers, we had $6,000 come in! Praise God! Unfortunately, that was $2,000 short of what we needed. After talking with the school, they agreed to let us pay what we had, and gave us until the end of July to pay the rest. We only had to pay a $100 late fee, and avoided having to pay interest. So, if you would like to help us finish off this last $2,000, you can click on "Donate" in the top right corner, or you can send a check in to YWAM Montana, 501 Blacktail Road, Lakeside, MT 59901 and make the check out to YWAM including a slip of paper indicating it is for Sean and Katie Ellis (you have to mail a check in if you want a tax deductible receipt).
It has been such an incredible thing for our children to see God provide. When we told them that we were moving away from their home to go to Taiwan to do missions, it was a difficult time of saying goodbye to friends and their own country. God has continued to meet them just where they are at, helping us send them to the Christian school this year, providing new friendships, and encouraging them that He is with them. Our prayer was that we would do missions as a family; the children just as involved as we are in this faith journey. As we have prayed with the children these last two weeks, it has been great to see the look on their faces when we tell them of another donation coming in. God also answered one of our prayers by providing someone who can help Max and Sophia with their Chinese this summer. They are actually excited about this, even though it is their summer break from school. Max teaches me new words in Chinese all the time (like french fries and ice cream!).
Thank you again for helping us be here in Taiwan as missionaries! Check out our new video update below.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
5th 80 for Education Ellis family fundraiser update
It is time for the latest update in our 80 for Education Ellis family fundraiser, where our goal was to raise $8,000 by June 1st to send our kids to school while we do missions here in Taiwan. After 10 days, we now have a total of $5,400! Wow! Our total skyrocketed again due to one donor giving $1,600, and many others joining in the $100 campaign. This means we only need 26 people giving $100 each to reach our goal by June 1st (or you can give any amount you would like). Yes, June 1st is only 3 days away, so if you would like to give, please click on "Donate" at the top right of this website, or you can mail your check in to YWAM Montana, 501 Blacktail Road, Lakeside, MT, 59922 and make the check out to YWAM with a slip of paper saying it is for Sean and Katie Ellis (if you need a tax receipt, you will have to send the check to Montana). Thank you all for your prayers and support, and check out our latest video update below!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
4th 80 for Education Update
It is time for the 80 for Education Ellis family fundraiser update! Over the last few days, we had a few more donations bringing us to a grand total of $3,500! This means we are almost halfway there. We still need 45 more people willing to give $100 each to meet our goal of 80 people and $8,000 by June 1st. The deadline for the children's school tuition is only days away now, so if you would like to give, you can go to our website Click on "Donate" there, or send in your donation by mail to YWAM Montana, 501 Blacktail Road, Lakeside, MT 59922 (make the check out to YWAM and they will mail you a receipt). Also, check out our new update video below!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
3rd 80 for Education Update
This is an update on how the 80 for Education Ellis family fundraiser is progressing. We saw our total DOUBLE since our last update! Wow! One donor gave $1,500, covering 15 people, and adding that to several more donations, our total is now up to $3,000. We are almost halfway to our goal of $8,000 by June 1st to pay the tuition for our 3 children to go to school while we do missions here in Taiwan. Thank you everyone for your generosity! If you would like to give, click on the "Donate" button at the right side of this website. Check out our video update below.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
2nd 80 for Education fundraiser update!
We wanted to give you the latest update in the Ellis family 80 for Education fundraiser. After 4 days, we have had 10 people give $100 each for a grand total of $1,000! We are now 1/8 of the way to our goal of 80 people and $8,000 by our deadline of June 1. This money will be going to pay for our childrens' education while we are here in Taiwan doing missions. Check out our latest update video below, and if you would like to give, you can click on "Donate" in the upper right corner of this site, or mail your donations in to YWAM Montana, 501 Blacktail Road, Lakeside, MT 59922. Thank you!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
1st 80 for Education Ellis fundraiser update
We wanted to give you all an update on our 80 for Education Ellis family fundraiser. On our first day, we had 6 people give $100 each for a grand total of $600. What a great start! Thank you to everyone who gave to help our 3 children go to Bethany Christian School so they can learn Chinese, make new friends, and see Taiwan as their new home. We now need 74 more people to join in the fundraiser to reach our goal of $8,000 by June 1. Check out our new update video below!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
80 for Education Fund Raiser!
Hello everyone!
We are beginning a new fund raiser called 80 for Education. When we moved to Taiwan, we knew that we would have to pray and seek God for how to educate our children overseas. God has always taken care of our children as we have served in missions. Always faithful, God provided the $8,000 that we needed to send the children to Bethany School for missionary kids this year. Now, we need to raise the funds to keep our children in the school for next year. We know that $8,000 is a lot of money, so we thought it would be better to ask if 80 people could give $100 each (you can give any amount you can or want to!). The money is due on June 1, and if we pay after this the fees go way up.
Why Bethany School?
We thought originally about home schooling the children here in Taiwan. The challenge we faced is that we wanted them to learn Chinese. Also, our ministry here has no families with children the same age as Max and Sophia. We knew that they were already sad about leaving friends and home, and wanted them to make new friends and see Taiwan as home now. Bethany was the cheapest and the only Christian option that we had. It is a wonderful, godly school for them.
What about Kai?
Kai was young enough for us to put him right into an all Chinese kindergarten. The first month was hard for him, not understanding the teachers and most of the children. Thankfully, there are 3 other missionary, American children at the same school, so Kai has his own translators!
Kai is already counting in Chinese, and learning traditional songs and dances. He brings home his workbook, and practices his Chinese characters.
Would you like to give?
There are two easy ways to give! First, if you don’t need a tax deductible receipt, you can click on "Donate" in the top right corner and give immediately through credit card or debit card on our Paypal Account.
Second, if you want a tax deduction, you can give by sending a check made out to YWAM Montana with a slip of paper saying “for Sean and Katie Ellis” with the following address: Accounting, YWAM Montana, 501 Blacktail Road, Lakeside, MT 59922.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Ellis family has made it to Taiwan!

The Ellis family is finally in Taiwan!
After one year of planning, packing, fund raising, and prayers, we are finally settled in here in Taiwan. Katie and I wanted to thank you all for your prayers and generosity that have made this move possible. First, we spent several weeks finding an apartment which we could call home. God worked a miracle, and the staff here were wonderful in helping us find a four bedroom apartment close to the train station and affordable. After we cleaned, painted, and blasted some mold out, the place shined up well. Next, we got the kids settled into their new school. The hour long train ride to school means an early morning in the Ellis household each day. They head out around 6:30 am, and make it back just for dinner at 5 pm. They are making new friends and learning a few Chinese words each day. Finally, Katie and I began our journey into learning Chinese. We haven’t been in a classroom setting for 15 years, but I guess our brains still work! Knowing that if we can learn Chinese, we will be able to share the Gospel with over 1 billion people is our motivation when the tones and pronunciation are such a struggle.
The new group of students just arrived here for our Bible school (SBS). We have 60 students from all over Asia, Europe, and the US excited to be equipped with the Word of God for missions. This is the largest school that we have ever worked with. Sean is already stepping into his roll with training and multiplication of the Bible schools throughout Asia. He will be teaching in Singapore in September, and is helping assemble a team to restart the school in Malaysia.
Praise Reports and Prayer Requests
God provided big time for our move to Taiwan! We were able to pay for our tickets, shipping, visas, basic furniture and start up costs, the kids first four months in school, and travel expenses! When we added it up, God provided over $14,000 through all of your generous donations.
Our main prayer requests are in two groups:
• the kids schooling: we need $800 to register them for next year, and need to increase our support $1,500 per month by August to pay for their school fees next year
• van: we are walking and taking the train/bus, but having our own van would be super helpful. A used one would cost between $4,000 - $8,000.
Chinese: that both we and the kids would learn quickly.
Bible school: that God will show us how we can support the staff with this huge school that just started, and for wisdom as we start the resource center for Bible schools (SBS) in Asia.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
The Ellis family is in Taiwan!
We wanted to let you all know that we, the Ellis family, have officially arrived in the nation of Taiwan! The trip here went well, and after 18 hours of plane rides and travel, we are safely in our new city of Dan Shui, Taiwan. Thank you all for your prayers as we definitely felt them on our way out here. My favorite quote of the trip was from our 5 year old Kai. During one trying time on the 9 hour flight, he said, "Don't Chinese people know that I am hungry and need lunch?!" Kai also noticed how many people were looking at him and smiling, as a little blond haired boy with a Diego pillow isn't the usual thing to see in Taiwan. We had no problems at immigration though, and have one year approved with the opportunity to renew every year.
Kona Teaching
The time with our Bible school in Kona was a wonderful experience, and hopefully will bring fruit for the future. The school had 30 students from all over the world including China, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Switzerland, Canada, the US, and South Korea. I taught for the week on the book of Revelation, and the students had amazing questions and were very open to what God had for them to learn in this book. Michael and Jane from China (not their real names due to safety) simply blew me away with their diligence in a second language, and with all the risks and cost they paid to be there to train for the future of China. The school also has a staff person from China, and this is the first time I can ever remember this happening. Katie and the kids enjoyed seeing their old home, and could hardly believe it had been 5 years ago that we left Kona for Montana. Many of the kids' friends have literally been around the world on missions trips since our time there, and they have all grown both physically as well as in their relationship with God. On our next to last day, they asked me to come and speak to over 250 missionaries in the Discipleship Training School, to share my love of the Bible and to encourage them to study and apply it to their lives and home nations.
Taiwan Time
Katie and I can't believe that after one year of prayer, visa applications, miracles, and guidance, that we are finally now in Taiwan. We wanted to thank you all for your kind donations, prayers, and encouragment in this whole time. Our four small pallets of our belongings leaves Montana tomorrow, and will arrive here about 4 weeks later. We were only able to ship clothes, some books, and educational supplies (English books are hard to find here for the kids), and some special things to make the children and us feel at home here (photos, a few toys, etc...). Everything else, we will have to start from scratch here. This week, we will be hunting for an apartment. Trying to find a 4 bedroom isn't easy, as most families here aren't as large as ours. After that, we have to get beds, kitchen stuff, and pretty much everything we need to set up our new home. We will also be taking the chiildren to their new school in Taipei to do interviews and get enrolled. We are staying in the apartment of the Stevens' family, who are on a trip to the Philippines and won't return until Feb. 25. That means we have about 3 weeks to get ourselves settled in the new apartment.
Prayer Requests:
1) apartment: that we could find something affordable, with 4 bedrooms, close to the train station, and that could feel like "home"
2) children: that they would begin to make the adjustments as they miss friends and Montana, and that they would enjoy thier new school
3) our old van would sell: Katie's father has graciously offered to see this for us, but in two weeks hasn't had much interest
4) finances: we are still trying to raise the funds for the following:
- van for our family here: $4,000
- childrens' school fees: $5,000 (would cover from Feb. to June this year)
- furnishings for the apartment: $2,000 (already have some)
Praise Reports:
-safe trip and arrival in Taiwan; no problems with visa and entering the country
-wonderful time in Kona with school and old friends
-tickets to Taiwan all covered
-shipping costs all covered
-visa costs and health exams all covered
-start up money and travel costs for Taiwan came in
If you would like to be a part of our financial team, or would like to make a one time donation, you can still do this through the internet or the mail. If you don't need a tax deductible receipt, and would like to give in an easy way with your credit or debit card, you can give through Paypal by clicking on the Donate button to the top right of this page.
If you would like a receipt, you can make a check out to YWAM Montana and include a slip that says it is for Sean and Katie Ellis and mail your donations to:
Accounting: Youth With a Mission Montana
501 Blacktail Road
Lakeside, MT 59922
We miss you all already, and thank you again for all your prayers, love, and support!
Sean, Katie, Sophia, Max, Joseph, and Kai Ellis