The Bible School Hub Begins- Singapore!
Our main goal in moving to Taiwan was to create a resource center, or hub, for all of the Youth With A Mission Bible Schools throughout Asia. We currently have 11 Bible schools with 2 more being added this year. It was wonderful to get going on this vision by traveling to Singapore and begin to build relationship with the staff there. I taught Isaiah in the school which was made up of students from Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, the U.S., England, Fiji, and South Korea. Many of these students are headed to China long term for missions.
Great Opportunities
A wonderful opportunity has come up for me to travel to Cambodia and teach in our new Bible School there. You may remember that one of the leaders of the school, Rady Huch, was my student a few years ago, when I was leading the program in Montana. Rady and his team have asked me if I can come and teach the book of Romans, as well as continue to help with their staff training. This is exactly the kind of ministry that I was praying for with our Asian Resource Hub. The cost is fairly low, and I believe I can do this trip for under $500. If you would like to partner with us in this trip, you can see the donation instructions in the right column. We have a giving option online now through Paypal on this website. If you need a tax deductible receipt, you would need to send the money through Montana or Kentucky, and can see how to do that on our Financial Team page.
Katie has now been studying Chinese full time for over 6 months! With the tones and vocabulary, Chinese has been a challenge, but Katie loves a new adventure. She has made several Chinese friends and has been reaching out to them with her limited language. One of her friends is named Sue, and she has been doing street cleaning for over 20 years! She is 62 now, and Katie talks with her most mornings as she begins her work. Another of her friends is Yamen, a spry 92 year old woman, who was one of the first generation of Christians in Taiwan. Yamen has been a wealth of encouragement for Katie's vision for Christianity in Taiwan.
A great opportunity has also come up for Katie. There is an intensive Chinese training program that we found out about in Taipei. It is broken up into 3 month blocks, and gives the student 15 hours of class per week, with lots of practice in speaking Chinese. The institute has been training people in Chinese for over 30 years. The challenge for us is that they require all the tuition up front, whereas her past lessons could be paid month by month. We don't have that much money upfront, and would need $800 for Katie to enroll. Would you pray about partnering with us in this as well?
Financial Projects Update
$8,000 came in for the kids' school
$3,000 scholarship given by the kids' school
Still need:
$4,000-$8,000 for a van for the family
$3,000 to finish off the kids' school fees for next term
Thank you so much for being co-workers with us in missions, and we greatly appreciate your prayers and encouragement.
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