Friday, November 27, 2009

Fourth 200 for $20 Update

Hello everyone,
It is time for the daily update on the Ellis family 200 for $20 fund raiser. I am excited to tell you that after 3 days we skyrocketed up to 70 for a grand total of $1,400! Praise God, and thank you to everyone who has blessed our move to Taiwan. Now, we only need 130 more people who would be able and like to contribute $20 through our website to reach our goal. Giving is easy through Paypal, where you can give with a credit or debit card, or through your normal Paypal account. Just click on Donate in the top right. Check out our new update video as well below.
Sean, Katie, Sophia, Max, Joseph, and Kai

1 comment:

Mark and Dawn Masucci said...

That was awesome. The best one yet. Very creative.