Saturday, May 29, 2010

5th 80 for Education Ellis family fundraiser update

Hey everyone!
It is time for the latest update in our 80 for Education Ellis family fundraiser, where our goal was to raise $8,000 by June 1st to send our kids to school while we do missions here in Taiwan. After 10 days, we now have a total of $5,400! Wow! Our total skyrocketed again due to one donor giving $1,600, and many others joining in the $100 campaign. This means we only need 26 people giving $100 each to reach our goal by June 1st (or you can give any amount you would like). Yes, June 1st is only 3 days away, so if you would like to give, please click on "Donate" at the top right of this website, or you can mail your check in to YWAM Montana, 501 Blacktail Road, Lakeside, MT, 59922 and make the check out to YWAM with a slip of paper saying it is for Sean and Katie Ellis (if you need a tax receipt, you will have to send the check to Montana). Thank you all for your prayers and support, and check out our latest video update below!

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