Friday, December 18, 2009

Mega 7th Ellis family Fund Raiser Update

Hello everyone,
It has been several days since our last 200 for $20 fund raiser update, and we wanted to let you all know some amazing news! One couple wanted to give for 50 people, and another two people gave for 5 people, so now with some more $20 donations, we are up to 201 for a grand total of $4,020. God and all of you did it! We reached our goal of 200 for 20, and even went $20 over! We have been blown away by all of your encouraging messages and generous offerings since this whole fund raiser began. This money will go a long way in helping us get over to Asia for missions. If you want to see a full update of our progress on the move to Taiwan, you can check out the next blog entry above. If you missed out on the 200 for $20 fund raiser, we still have other needs you can give to listed there. Just click on the Donate button in the top right corner if you would like to give, and leave a note in the comments if you want it to go to a particular part of our move. Check out our new video update below. With each day, we are one step closer to moving to Taiwan for missions.
Sean, Katie, Sophia, Max, Joseph, and Kai Ellis

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