Friday, December 18, 2009

Status Update on Our Move for December 18

We just slipped into the last month before our move to Taiwan. Montana is now thousands of miles behind us, as we packed up, sold, or gave away every last item we had there. We treasured our five years serving the Youth With A Mission campus and the School of Biblical Studies. Over 200 missionaries trained, hundreds sent out on long and short term outreaches, and 5 new Bible schools pioneered marked a fruitful time of ministry. After our 200 for $20 fund raiser goal was met, we have the following update on our totals needed for the move:
1) passports/visas, packing materials, & health exams: $2,000 (covered!)
2) tickets to Taiwan: $3,600 (covered!)
3) shipping expenses: $3,000 (covered!)
4) furnishings for apartment: $3,000 (covered!)
5) 2 mopeds: $2,000 (covered!)
6) kids' school fees: $5,000 (still needed)
7) van: $4,000 (still needed)
8) medical/dental bills from time in Montana: $4,000 (still needed)

You can see that over $13,000 in donations has come in already! Praise God! We still need another $9,000 to cover the move, and $4,000 to clear away the debt from things our insurance wouldn't cover. If you would like to give to any of these, you can click on the Donate button on the top right, and use your credit/debit card to give through Paypal. If you would like a tax deductible receipt, please follow the instructions on our support page to mail your donation in by check.
Thank you to everyone who has given, prayed, or encouraged us in the midst of this time. It has been awesome to see God provide and confirm this step into Asia.

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